среда, 7 января 2015 г.

Cinematographic Icons: "The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant" (1972)

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (German: Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant) is a 1972 German film directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, based on his own play. This film has an all-female cast and is set in the home of the protagonist, Petra von Kant. It follows the changing dynamics in her relationships with the other women. The film was entered into the 22nd Berlin International Film Festival. (from Wikipedia)

Petra von Kant is a successful fashion designer - arrogant, caustic, and self-satisfied. She mistreats Marlene (her secretary, maid, and co-designer). Enter Karin, a 23-year-old beauty who wants to be a model. Petra falls in love with Karin and invites her to move in. The rest of the film deals with the emotions of this affair and its aftermath. Fassbinder tells his story in a series of 5 or 6 long scenes with extended uses of a single camera shot and deep focus. (from IMDB)

Olga Solovieva revisits in Film Comment (2002):

Fassbinder’s 1972 film The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant is all about dressing. It’s at the film’s center in both the literal sense of clothing the body and in the metaphoric sense of clothing as identity. Petra von Kant is a fashion designer and by nature a lover of artifice. Her relationship with her slave-like secretary Marlene and her love affair with a young model named Karin are commented upon throughout the film by the trio’s various dress styles. At the same time, in a figurative sense, Petra puts on her emotions and moods as if they’re fitted costumes.In Fassbinder’s film, dress replaces the body. Mask-like makeup and ever-changing wardrobes take on a life of their own, representing the dynamics of the characters’ personalities. 

Costume designer: Maja Lemcke

This is a tragic story with an impeccable atmosphere. Recreated thanks to the magnificent interiors and brilliant costumes. Maya Lemke exalted eidolon of the main character Petra von Kant to the ranks of cinematic style icons.
The character of Madame von Kant grotesquely detailed - a classical face of bourgeois society, beautiful outside, rotting and tormented herself inside.

Costume designer Maja Lemcke did an incredible job dressing the actresses in clothes that can still be considered relevant today and the powerful Fassbinder girls.

Это трагическая история с безупречной атмосферой. Воссоздана благодаря великолепным интерьерам и гениальным костюмам. Именно худжник по костюмам Майя Лемке превознесла образ главной героини Петры фон Кант к лику кинематографических икон стиля. 

Образ госпожи фон Кант гротескно детализирован, и так прозрачно характеризует свою героиню - натуру противоречивую, лицо буржуазного общества, прекрасного снаружи, гниющего и терзаемого себя изнутри.

Первая лента немецкого режиссёра Райнера Вернера Фассбиндера, в которой с таким блеском и триумфом воплотилась его страсть к стилю барокко, пышному, роскошному и красочному фейерверку формы, столь щедро расцвечивающему довольно неприхотливый сюжет типичной драмы об одиночестве и отчуждении.
Райнеру Вернеру Фассбиндеру гораздо ближе затронутая Джозефом Лоузи и Лукино Висконти проблема вырождения аристократии, крупной буржуазии, интеллектуальной и творческой элиты общества, некоего господского класса, который растворяется в среде рвущихся наверх плебеев, а с другой стороны, обнаруживает в себе наличие «сладкого комплекса слуги».
За это их ждёт неминуемая кара — смерть или, в лучшем случае, «горькие слёзы».

Сергей Кудрявцев, 1990

"It's easy to pity, Sidonie, but so much harder to understand. If you understand someone, don't pity them, change them. Only pity what you can't understand."
Petra von Kant


Petra and her perfect dress

Housecoat dress

Green dress

Petra and Karin




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